
Step 1: Introductory Call (Free)

Let’s talk! You share the challenge you’re seeking to address, and we talk about what help I can offer as you pursue your path forward. By the end of this conversation, you should have a clear sense of whether you could use my help or you would be best advised to pursue another option.

Schedule a 30-minute Intro Zoom Meeting

Step 2: Arrange Relationship

Arrange an independent contractor agreement with an hourly rate of payment for services. You pay only for the hours required to complete your project.

Step 3: Project Kick-off

In a 60-minute meeting:

  • establish a detailed understanding of project objectives and success criteria
  • explore available alternatives
  • identify further research required
  • make decisions on what is known
  • record action items and assignments

Schedule Project Kick-off Meeting

Step 4: Implementation

Here is where the magic occurs! In support of every project, you can expect

  • careful needs assessment
  • technical solution exploration
  • practical implementation guidance
  • documented solutions
  • regular updates during brief stand-up meetings
  • clear communication
  • responsive collaboration

We will get it done together!

Schedule Project Stand-up Meeting (15-minute)

Schedule Other Project Meetings