
MagicTools for PI

PI Data Cleanup Service

  • Generating a PI API Key for PI v1 Predictive Index customers who wish to use the PI Application Programming Interface (API) to access their PI data must generate and use an API Key.…
  • Securely Share Sensitive Content When working with Believable Magic or co-workers, you may need to share an API Key or other sensitive content with another person. But API Keys…
  • Employee Data Used for Cleanup Service These instructions are intended for PI customers preparing to improve your PI data by correcting all the current employees found there with updated information, either…
  • Order PI Cleanup Service as a Reseller How Believable Magic's Resellers can sell PI Data Cleanup Service to their customers.
  • PI2 Upgrade Preparation Options Believable Magic has been receiving inquiries from PI Network Partners and Customers to determine which of the tasks associated with upgrading to PI2 we can…

Predictive Index

  • Generating a PI API Key for PI v1 Predictive Index customers who wish to use the PI Application Programming Interface (API) to access their PI data must generate and use an API Key.…
  • Get a Predictive Index Sandbox Account Organizations with a subscription to The Predictive Index platform are typically able to request access at no extra charge to a separate Sandbox account for…
  • PI API Key Testing and Troubleshooting Predictive Index customers who wish to use the PI Application Programming Interface (API) to access their PI data must generate and use an API Key.…
  • PI2 Upgrade Preparation Options Believable Magic has been receiving inquiries from PI Network Partners and Customers to determine which of the tasks associated with upgrading to PI2 we can…


  • Become a Reseller Believable Magic invites all Predictive Index network partners to become software and services resellers for these benefits: Fast: Your customers can get MagicTools™ - for…
  • Order MagicTools as a Reseller How Believable Magic's affiliates can sell MagicTools - for PI through this website to their customers.
  • Order PI Cleanup Service as a Reseller How Believable Magic's Resellers can sell PI Data Cleanup Service to their customers.