PI2 Upgrade Preparation Options

Believable Magic has been receiving inquiries from PI Network Partners and Customers to determine which of the tasks associated with upgrading to PI2 we can help with.

Here is our analysis of the Software upgrade support guide provided by The Predictive Index.

Prepare for upgrade – Preparation Checklist

In the Upgrade Preparation Checklist, PI has outlined several steps to be taken. Here are the ways Believable Magic can help with each of them:

Take Action

The actions suggested by PI essentially involve manual use of the PI software to make changes to individual records, fields, and any items that can be bulk-selected for action (bulk archive, bulk move, bulk export).

Action Suggested Strategy Analysis Believable Magic Alternative
Account hygiene Remove former employees, candidates and jobs you no longer need  Painful process of choosing, selecting, archiving, and/or editing persons and/or their assessments in the PI software Buy MagicTools or get PI Data Cleanup Service – use Clean Expired BAs, Clean Duplicate BAs, and Export-Adjust-Sync person data to mass-archive or mass-update many records at once. Jobs must be manually managed via the PI software.
Account hygiene Downloading assessment data using PI software PI data export has few columns, doesn’t include the Score ID needed to later re-create accidentally archived data Buy MagicTools or get PI Data Cleanup Service – use Export Person and Assessment Data to obtain a much larger array of assessment data including individual sigma values. You can also Export BA Reports to PDF for all your people to keep as an archive before making changes.
Review your employee emails Manual process of finding each person, editing, and updating them in PI software Painful manual process of searching, editing necessary fields, and saving each employee. Buy MagicTools or get PI Data Cleanup Service – export your HR data, prepare it a little, and then use the Sync process to match and fix employee person data in PI.
Review your folders Manually edit the Folder structure Removing a folder requires that you first archive or move all contents, a potentially very laborious process Buy MagicTools or get PI Data Cleanup Service – use Export Folders to get a clean list of your current folders, make a plan, then use Export-Adjust-Sync process to move all your people/assessments to their new folders, then delete any unused.
Review and prepare your Open Invitation (OI) Links Legacy OI Links that are linked to Jobs will be converted to the new Job Links and continue to work as they do now. OI Links that are not linked to a Job will cease to work. This is a manual process of analyzing your OI Link use outside of PI and then creating Job Links in PI2 to fill any gaps. We don’t offer any service or tool to make this easier.

Alternatives We Offer

Buy MagicTools and do the work yourself

If you license MagicTools for a 90-day period right now and install the software on your local system. Use its Clean, Export, and Sync processes to bring order to your PI data before making the PI2 transition. Follow guides in Learn MagicTools and the Knowledgebase.

Get the Predictive Index Data Cleanup Service

Priced according to your PI headcount, the PI Data Cleanup Service is a consulting service performed by Believable Magic in collaboration with your team by using MagicTools to connect to your PI data. It includes automated cleanup processes for expired and duplicate assessments and bulk data updates through a multi-step Export-Adjust-Sync process of exporting data, making adjustments, and then using MagicTools Sync process to push those changes into PI data. 

Export-Adjust-Sync Process

  1. Export – Export your HR system data to gather employee and/or candidate details, and use MagicTools Export to obtain your PI person data so you can understand what you are working with.
  2. Adjust –  Make necessary bulk adjustments to your employee and/or candidate data to prepare it for…
  3. Sync – Use MagicTools Sync process to import the contents of the HR data file, find matches wherever possible, and then change the PI data to match the HR data file contents — assign the correct person type, correct email, correct folder, and even fix name variations.


Archive and Anonymize Defined

MagicTools – for PI offers “archive and anonymize” features that rely on and extend the Predictive Index Application Programming Interface (API) definition of “archive”.


The Predictive Index API offers the ability to “archive” person and assessment data through the use of either DELETE endpoints or parameters such as “archive” = true. When these actions are utilized, the PI API will do the following with the data in focus:

  • mark the item as archived
  • remove that data from access within the PI software
  • remove that data from access via the API
  • remove that data from search results and rules that enforce uniqueness

After archiving, only an action performed by the PI Support Team can bring that data back. It is NOT available to be “unarchived” directly by the customer. 


When MagicTools – for PI performs an “archive” action on a person, it takes an extra “anonymize” step before asking the PI API to archive them. This means that before archiving, the following changes are made:

  • FirstName = “XX”
  • MiddleName = “XX”
  • LastName = “XX”
  • Email = “xx@xx.xx”
  • ExternalPersonId =  Person ID
  • Person Type = “Unknown”
  • Gender = “Unknown”

Warning: It impossible to recover pre-anonymization data directly from the PI system once this action is taken!

Recovering Archived or Anonymized Data

  • Only archive data you never want to see again. You should NEVER plan activities that will require recovery of archived or anonymized data. 
  • To protect you from human error, MagicTools for PI generates log files when running in Live Mode to create a record of the values of each person or assessment before it is changed or archived. You should KEEP the log files until you are SURE you do not need to recover any changed data. Any modified, anonymized, or archived PI data can only be changed back again if you have the original pre-modification data to know how to change the data back again. The Predictive Index Support team may or may not be able to recover archived data, but recovery is made much easier if you know exactly what was changed or archived, so keep the log files created in Live mode as a precaution! But keep them safe and only temporarily because they contain lots of Personally Identifying Information (PII).

Generating a PI API Key for PI v1

Predictive Index customers who wish to use the PI Application Programming Interface (API) to access their PI data must generate and use an API Key.

API Keys are “owned” by individual PI Users and are not assigned or created as a company-wide setting. The role and permissions of the user that owns an API Key determines the access that API Key will grant.

This article explains how to generate an API Key for accessing the data of an instance of the PI version 1 software.

To learn about PI version 2 software’s API Key features, see: Managing Open API Settings (PI version 2 docs)

Activate API Access

Your organization’s PI instance must have API Access turned on before any API Key you generate will work. Contact Predictive Index Support and ask them “Please ensure that API Access is turned on for our PI instance named _____”.

As of the time of this writing, API Access activation process and the use of the PI API does not currently cost anything extra for existing PI customers.

Where to Generate API Keys

API Keys are generated in the PI Software’s Administration > User Management area.

This administrative action can be taken only by PI Users with the role of Account Admin or Account Owner.

How to Generate an API Key

Refer to the PI Support site for general guidance on how to generate an API Key: Integration Guide > Generate an API Key.

Or you can follow this example:

Example – API Key for user named Data Manager

Steps to take if you decide to create a new user named “Data Manager” to own an API Key for use with MagicTools or an API Integration:

  1. Log into PI (https://app.predictiveindex.com) as an Account Admin or Account Owner user with whatever email and password you normally use.
  2. Go to Administration (on the menu seen when you click your name in the upper right corner).
  3. In User Management, click “Create New User”.
  4. Give the user the following details:
    1. First Name: Data
    2. Last Name: Manager
    3. Email: data.manager@yourdomain.com
      1. Note: no two users in the entire PI system can have the same email address
      2. Use a real email address if the user you are creating will need to log into the PI software directly
      3. Invent any fake email address if the user will not log into the PI software — as long as the email has not been used previously in the PI system and this user will only ever use the API Key to access PI data.
    4. Job Title: (optional)
      1. When using MagicTools: MagicTools Connection
      2. When using an API Integration: Integration with XYZ (the name of the system you are integrating with)
    5. Default Folder:
      1. When using MagicTools: \Your Company (type the backslash and then choose the first item shown in the suggestion list).
      2. When using an API Integration: choose a default folder into which new assessments/users will be created by the integration. If the integration will specify a folder, this is not as important. But if the integration doesn’t specify a folder, this is an important decision.
    6. Role: Account Admin – this elevated role allows the API Key to do things like archive unwanted data and move people to new folders.  
  5. Click “Create User” – you will be taken back to the list of all users.
  6. Click on the name of this new user in the list of users so you can view/edit the user details again.
  7. At the bottom, you will see a new “API Key” field that wasn’t there before you created the user.
  8. Click the “Generate New Key” button. 
  9. Click the little icon next to the API Key field to copy the new API Key to the clipboard.
  10. Paste the API Key into a document and save it to a secure location. Remember: an API Key is a powerful thing — guard it!
  11. Click “Save Changes” if you made any changes other than generating the API Key. Click “Cancel” if the Save Changes button is disabled — newly generated API Keys are automatically saved when you click Generate, so there is no need to click Save Changes if generating an API Key is the only action you are taking.

Granting Cognitive Assessment Access

If your organization uses the PI Cognitive Assessment, be sure to read this section.

Because the Cognitive Assessment is considered sensitive personal information, access to results is usually limited to a small group of hiring team members. If the API Key you are generating will be used by a system or tool (such as MagicTools for PI) that needs to access Cognitive Assessment data, that permission must be granted by someone with “Account Owner” permissions. A user with “Account Admin” access does not have the ability to grant permission. Therefore, be sure to contact a user with “Account Owner” access to have them activate Cognitive Access for the user you created as the owner of the API Key. While editing a user’s profile/details, Account Owner users will see a checkbox that grants access to Cognitive data.

Testing an API Key

It is always best to test your new API Key before sharing it or using it. Learn how to do this here: PI API Key Testing and Troubleshooting

Sharing an API Key with others

Because API Keys grant powerful access to semi-sensitive information, take precautions to protect them. Some choices:

  • Use a temporary encrypted sharing tool like the one offered by Believable Magic: Securely Share Sensitive Content
  • Save the API Key in a document that is stored in a shared location accessible only to you and the intended recipient

Generating a new API Key

If you have already created an API Key for a user and then use the “Generate New Key” button to generate a new API Key, the previously generated API Key will be deactivated immediately. Any integration or other data access function that was previously configured to use the old API Key will be disabled by this action. Generating a new API Key is necessary when you wish to disable access by people who might possess a current API Key and ensure that only the new API Key is usable. Be sure to immediately share the new API Key with whoever controls the configuration of any integration that relies on that Key! 

Securely Share Sensitive Content

When working with Believable Magic or co-workers, you may need to share an API Key or other sensitive content with another person. But API Keys are powerful information that you should keep secure.

The least secure way to share information is via email message. Messages can live for a long time on mail servers and in people’s mail archives, waiting to be seen by the wrong person.

A more secure way to share information is to place it in a temporary encrypted storage place and then share the key with a person who can only use it to view the content until it expires — using an expiration period controlled by the one who shares.

How to share sensitive content:

  1. Go to this page: https://believablemagic.com/private.
  2. Paste or type the content into the Editor area or click Attach a File.
  3. Click Save.
  4. On the next page you will see: “Your shareable pasted content link is” followed by a web address.
  5. Share that web address one of three ways:
    1. Copy that web address and paste it into an email message for your intended recipient.
    2. Click the Email button to send it in a new email message.
    3. Click the QR Code button to embed the link in a QR code you can share with someone.
  6. If you assigned a Password while creating your shared item, be sure to share that password with the recipient, too.

The recipient simply visits the web address, enters the Password if you created one, and sees the content you shared.

After the expiration period, the web address won’t work any longer and the content is no longer accessible.

How it actually works:

The web page has JavaScript code that encrypts the content in the browser, then stores the encrypted content on the Believable Magic web server, but the key that unlocks the encrypted content is ONLY shown to the user in the web page — it is not stored anywhere else.

The encrypted content stored on the web server is useless without the key — which is not stored on the server.

The Believable Magic service linked above relies upon this open-source project: https://privatebin.info

Data That MagicTools Can Change

MagicTools – for PI can read, export, and change data within your organization’s PI instance. This article explains which data can be changed.

Data Archived

The PI software platform uses an “archive” model in which data is marked as hidden and becomes irrelevant to end users. There is no action that will lead to the actual permanent deletion of a person or assessment.

PII Anonymization Note: At the time person data is archived in PI, any personally identifying information (PII) present remains within the archived data. Since this would not be acceptable under current privacy laws, the PI platform offers an Anonymization feature that will remove all PII before archiving that data. MagicTools also performs anonymization of PII whenever it archives person data.

Assessments – Yes

MagicTools will archive Assessments as part of the following actions:

  • Clean – Expired Behavioral Assessments
  • Clean – Multiple BA’s for Persons with same email – keep only the oldest

Persons – Yes

MagicTools will archive and anonymize Person data as part of the Clean actions mentioned above but only when this additional setting is selected:

  • Anonymize and archive Persons who have no remaining BA’s

And the following is not checked and applicable to that organization and person:

  • But not Persons who still have a Cognitive Assessment

Data Changed

Assessments – No

MagicTools cannot modify any PI Assessment data at all. It can Archive entire Assessments, but cannot change their individual data elements after they have been created and/or completed.

Persons – Yes

MagicTools can modify the following PI Person data as part of the Sync process:

  • First Name – cannot be blank
  • Middle Name – cannot be changed to blank if a value exists — changed to a period (“.”) if the new value should be blank
  • Last Name – cannot be blank
  • Email Address – cannot be blank
  • Job Name – optional – cannot be changed to blank if a value exists
  • Person Type – Candidate, Employee, Former Employee, Other, Unknown
  • Folder Path – Location in the folder hierarchy (which also influences access permissions by PI users)
  • External Person ID – an optional field containing an identifier taken from some external system and associated with a single PI Person


Using PI API Keys in MagicTools

MagicTools – for PI gains access to your organization’s PI data by using an API (Application Programming Interface) Key.

Learn about generating a PI API Key.

An API Key is always generated in connection with a specific PI User account:

  • The actions taken within MagicTools using an API Key are dependent on the permissions granted to the PI User who “owns” the API Key.
  • All actions taken via MagicTools will be attributed to that PI User in the PI software.

Therefore, when deciding which PI User should own the API Key you’ll use with MagicTools, consider the following:

Current User vs. New User

  1. It may be best to use your own existing PI User account to generate your API Key if you want all actions you take with MagicTools to be attributed to you. With this approach, the actions you take while logged in directly to PI and those taken through MagicTools cannot be distinguished from each other when viewed in the PI software.
  2. It may be best to create a new PI User that you intend to use only with MagicTools so that you can tell the difference between actions taken while signed into the PI software directly and those taken via the PI API and MagicTools. You might put the term “API” or “MagicTools” into the name of the user you create for this purpose.

User Role

  1. If the API Key belongs to an Account Owner or Account Admin user, MagicTools will have access to all person and assessment* data in your PI instance and to perform any actions on that data that are possible via the API.
  2. If the API Key belongs to a Power User, User, or Read-Only user who has access to only some of the person and assessment* data, MagicTools will only be able to read or modify the permission-controlled set of person and assessment data available to that user.

*Note on Cognitive Data: Keep in mind that access to Cognitive Assessment Data requires separate access to be granted if you intend to allow a user this permission. Warning: If you use MagicTools Clean features on PI data that includes Cognitive data, but the user owning the API Key doesn’t have access to Cognitive data, MagicTools will NOT protect your Cognitive data from unwanted removal. MagicTools can only protect data it knows about. If you have Cognitive data, be sure your MagicTools API Key’s user has access to it.

Securing MagicTools – for PI


Application – “MagicTools – for PI” is a Windows application named MagicTools.exe that is installed locally on a Windows computer or within a Mac Parallels virtual Windows environment on a Mac computer. It relies on the .NET framework and several library files installed along with the main program.

Installer – It is installed using an executable installer program, MagicToolsforPISetup.exe, which is created by Inno Script Studio.

Code Signing – The software is signed by a code-signing certificate issued to Believable Magic LLC by Sectigo RSA Code Signing CA.


User Settings – Configuration settings are stored locally for each user of the software in a folder only accessible to that user. For example:

Upgrades – After upgrading MagicTools software, when the software is first started up, a new settings file is created in a folder named for that version by copying the previous version’s settings file forward.

Unencrypted – Configuration settings are stored in an unencrypted state to make it convenient for a user to review their own settings file contents if necessary.


Two of the settings displayed in the Setup tab within the MagicTools software and stored in the configuration file are considered sensitive:

  • MagicTools License Key – this key is obtained from the seller and is used to validate that the current user is licensed. MagicTools makes a web service call to an endpoint on the believablemagic.com server to validate the current license key. It is the responsibility of the licensed organization to put this key only into the hands of people who are authorized to use the MagicTools software on behalf of the organization.
  • Predictive Index API Key – this key is generated within the administrative user interface of the PI Software by a Site Admin or Account Admin user of the PI software. Any actions taken via MagicTools using this API Key are recorded within the PI software as actions of the API Key owner. This key is considered sensitive data because it grants access via the Predictive Index API to data stored in the PI software. Learn more about: Using PI API Keys

The sensitivity of the PI API Key described above is the reason that Believable Magic recommends the following two guidelines:

  • For PI Users – MagicTools – for PI is intended for use by those individuals who have already been entrusted with access to the organization’s PI data via a PI user account.
  • Individual API Keys – MagicTools users should each be given an individual PI API Key that is associated with an assigned PI user account so that they may access and modify the same data via MagicTools as they are able to access and modify through the PI software directly.

No New Permissions – API Keys don’t have more power than their users do. Providing an individual API Key to a trusted PI user does not extend their access and control privileges, it only enables them to use those privileges more efficiently and powerfully through MagicTools.

API Access Required – API Keys are only useful to PI client organizations that have API Access turned on. PI clients may ask the PI Support team to turn on API Access for your organization if this has not already been done.

Securing the Data

No Internet Storage – All data processed by MagicTools is directly accessed via the Predictive Index API over the Internet from the local computer, storing no data on any other system anywhere on the Internet apart from the local computer running MagicTools.

No Believable Magic Access – Believable Magic systems never handle or touch the PI data handled locally by MagicTools.

Local Output Files – MagicTools generates log files and (optionally) export files that contain plain text copies of whatever PI data is handled by the actions being taken by the user. All of these log and export files are placed into a user-selected Processing Output Location folder.

Output File Disposal– It is the end user’s responsibility to ensure that any log and export files are properly disposed of after they are no longer needed.

Setup Tab Configuration

MagicTools Setup tab screenshot showing all available features

Every time the MagicTools – for PI software is launched, it checks whether the Setup tab contains all the things needed to run. If it finds anything missing, the Setup tab will display first.

After you’ve provided the necessary items shown in the Setup tab, the next time you start MagicTools it will display the Clean or whatever tab you were using last time.


As of version 1.4, MagicTools gained the ability to manage named Profiles, each containing a separate collection of settings, allowing you to switch between them as you work on the data belonging to different instances of PI. For example, multiple profiles are useful if you have both a production instance of PI and also a Sandbox instance for testing, or if your organization uses different PI instances for different business units or companies.

When you start MagicTools for the first time, a default instance named “New” is created into which your first collection of settings is saved.

At any time, you are free to take one of four actions affecting the currently selected profile:

  • New – Create a new profile with blank settings and the default name “New”. This is most useful when you wish to create a new profile that has no settings in common with an existing profile. If your new profile has settings in common,  use Copy instead.
  • Save – Save the current collection of settings with the currently defined Name. This is most useful when you have just changed the Name of a Profile.
  • Copy – Create a new profile that is a copy of the currently chosen profile, adding the word Copy to the end of the original name. This is most useful when you have a new profile to set up but it shares the same MagicTools License Key as an existing profile.
  • Delete – Remove (forget) the current profile completely. A message will pop up to confirm that you really want to delete the profile.

Switching: When you change the currently selected profile, the name will be displayed to the right of the Setup tab as a visual reminder.

Sort: The list of profiles shown in the profile chooser list are normally displayed in the order they were created. If you wish to sort them alphabetically, click the Sort button to the right of the profile chooser.

Auto-Save: Whenever you close MagicTools or switch between profiles, the settings that are current at the time will be saved in the currently selected profile. 

Auto-Name: If you wish to use the company name stored in the PI instance as the Name of the MagicTools profile:

  1. Remove the text in the Name field or leave the name “New” in the field
  2. Click the Test button next to an API Key you have entered
  3. Upon a successful test result, the PI company name will be filled in to the Name field

MagicTools License Key

You will need to obtain a MagicTools™ License Key and store it in the provided setting box in order to use the MagicTools software. Your organization only needs one currently active License Key and it may be used by any authorized users to manage your organization’s PI data. (see End User License Agreement)

License Keys look like this: 1A3B-C3D5-3E5F-4A6B 

You should have received a License Key in the order confirmation email sent to you by Believable Magic after you paid for a software license. 

If your organization purchased a software license but can’t find your License Key:

  1. The registered owner of the License Key must visit the My Account page and log in. You can recover your password if you forgot it (or you never knew you had a password).
  2. Click on Orders or recent orders
  3. Find your most recent order for MagicTools – for PI and click View
  4. Your License Key will be displayed to you

Copy and paste your License Key into the Setup tab where it says MagicTools™ License Key and click Validate. This will make a call to the believablemagic.com site to verify that your License Key is currently active. The outcome will be displayed below the License Key along with the expiration date.

  • If your License Key has expired, your organization will need to purchase a new License Key or work through your license administrator to extend the expiration date of your existing License Key. MagicTools will not function with an expired License Key.
  • If for some reason the believablemagic.com site is unavailable to check whether your License Key is active, MagicTools will still work for you — assuming the problem is with the License checking process and not with your Internet connection.

Predictive Index Settings


You will need to obtain a Predictive Index API Key and put it into the provided setting box in order to use MagicTools to read any of your PI data and/or make any changes to it.

API Keys look like this: 20078DE4-562E-4CEC-B3C9-B314E15438DA

Follow the best practices for Using PI API Keys in MagicTools

Using Cognitive Assessments

If your organization is using the PI Cognitive Assessment, be sure this box is checked. When checked, MagicTools will try to respect any Cognitive Assessment data when deciding whether Person data can be archived as part of the Clean processes.

If your organization is not using the PI Cognitive Assessment, be sure to un-check this box. Doing so will simplify the logic used by MagicTools and shorten the amount of time it takes to perform Clean tasks.

Output File Settings

MagicTools generates output files whenever the Clean, Export, or Sync processes run. You can control their naming and location.

Output File Name Prefix

When MagicTools saves output files, a default name will be given to each file. Using this setting, you can control the beginning of the output file name.

  • Output File Name Prefix: XYZCorp
  • Output File Example: XYZCorp-ArchiveExpiredBAPersonsLog-Live-2022-09-23–16-46.csv

Select a folder into which you want MagicTools to place output files generated by any process you might run. For example, you might choose a sub-folder within your Documents or your Downloads folder.

In the case of Clean and Sync actions, log files containing all the proposed actions or actual actions are stored in this folder.

In the case of Export actions, your exported files will be placed into this folder.

Open Output Location – this link will open your selected Output Location in a system file explorer window so you can easily find the files you have generated during processing.

User Settings Location

This display-only information tells you where MagicTools is storing the profile settings you enter or select. These settings are stored in a file named “user.config”. 

  • If you remove or modify the user.config file, it will remove any saved settings of MagicTools.
  • If you damage this file or it becomes unusable, you can safely delete it. 
  • If you delete your user.config file, you will simply have to repeat the Setup steps to store your License Key and API Key. MagicTools will create a new user.config file if one doesn’t already exist.

Open Settings Location – this link will open the folder containing your user.config file in a system file explorer window in case you wish to view, edit, or remove your saved settings for some reason. 

Installing MagicTools – for PI

  1. Download the installer – When your organization purchased MagicTools, the buyer was sent an email message with a download link. Follow that link and download the executable installer program MagicToolsforPISetup.exe.
    • If your organization is licensed already, you may obtain the installer from a co-worker who already downloaded it. Any authorized users who manage your organization’s PI data may install MagicTools.
    • If you need to re-locate the download link, log into the My Account page and visit the Downloads sub-page where you will find a download link.
    • You can recover your password if you forgot it (or you never knew you had a password).
  2. Grant permission – Your browser may show you warnings when you try to download MagicTools:
    • You are downloading an executable program that can make changes to your system. This is normal. Click on options such as “Keep” or “Allow” before your browser will complete the download.
    • MagicTools is not a frequently downloaded program. This is normal for new software like MagicTools. Click “See more” and allow the download.
  3. Run the installer – locate the MagicToolsforPISetup.exe file in the location you downloaded it and activate it (click or double-click on it).
  4. Antivirus warnings – You might see an error or warning pop up if you have certain antivirus programs running. For example, Avast is known to pop up a “ShellExecuteEx failed” message which is a false alarm. Usually, this type of error goes away after a few seconds and the installer begins to run.
  5. Windows Defender warnings – You may see security warnings from Windows or Windows Defender letting you know the software is from an unrecognized source. Even though our installer is signed using an industry-standard code signing certificate issued to Believable Magic by USERTrust RSA Certification Authority, this warning will appear until enough people have installed it and it is recognized as safe. The warning looks like this:

    Click on the “More info” link, and you will see this:

    Click on “Run anyway”.If Windows Defender continues to block the installer or you do not see a “Run anyway” button, you may need to Unblock the installer by following these steps:

    1. Locate the installer program in the folder
    2. Right-click on the installer and choose Properties
    3. On the General tab near the bottom, you may see an unchecked checkbox with the label Unblock (Windows 10) or an Unblock button (Windows 11).
    4. Check the Unblock checkbox or click the Unblock button.
    5. Click OK
    6. Then try running the installer again (click or double-click)
  6. Grant Permission – Windows will ask if you really want to install the program and you should allow it.
  7. Follow Setup Steps – you will see this setup window:

    Review the agreement, click “I accept the agreement”, and click “Next”.
    After continuing through a few more setup screens, you will arrive here:

    Click “Finish” and the setup window will disappear.
  8. Launch “MagicTools – for PI” – click the Windows menu and you should see it at the top of the list, like this:

    If you don’t see it at the top of the list, scroll down to the “M” section, or start typing “MagicTools” and you should see it.

Once you have the MagicTools software running, you should configure your software via the Setup tab.

Data included in Export People and Assessments

The following 94 data columns are included in the MagicTools – for PI output when using Export Persons and their Assessment data to CSV 

  1. LastName
  2. FirstName
  3. MiddleName
  4. Email
  5. PersonType – Unknown, Candidate, Employee, Former Employee, Other
  6. ExternalPersonId – contains a value from an external system
  7. AssessmentUserId – internal PI identifier assigned for each person
  8. SortName – field used for sorting by name (Last First)
  9. SortDate – field used for sorting by date
  10. FolderId – PI folder id
  11. FolderPath – PI folder path including root folder and all intermediate folders
  12. UserId – PI user identifier, if present
  13. PersonCreatedTime
  14. Impression – rating of level of interest in a Candidate
  15. AssessmentInfo.LatestAssessmentCompletedDate
  16. AssessmentInfo.LatestAssessmentEmailSentDate
  17. ReferencePattern.PatternName
  18. ReferencePattern.BadgeUrl
  19. ReferencePattern.PatternNumber
  20. Behavioral.Assessment.Id
  21. Behavioral.Assessment.SentDate
  22. Behavioral.Assessment.CompletedDate
  23. Behavioral.Assessment.State – 10 = sent, 40 = complete, 50 = expired
  24. Behavioral.Assessment.AdministeredBy
  25. Behavioral.Assessment.AdministeredByPersonId – internal PI identifier
  26. Behavioral.Assessment.ScoreId
  27. Behavioral.OriginalAssessment.Id – internal PI identifier
  28. Behavioral.OriginalAssessment.ReferencePatternNumber
  29. Behavioral.OriginalAssessment.ReferencePatternName
  30. Behavioral.PendingAssessment.Id – internal PI identifier
  31. Behavioral.PendingAssessment.SendDate
  32. Behavioral.PendingAssessment.AdministeredBy
  33. Behavioral.PendingAssessment.AdministeredByPersonId – internal PI identifier
  34. Job.Name
  35. Job.FitScore.Combined
  36. Job.FitScore.Behavioral
  37. Job.FitScore.Cognitive
  38. Job.CognitiveTarget
  39. Job.JobId – internal PI identifier
  40. Job.LastModifiedDate
  41. Job.ModifiedByPersonId – internal PI identifier
  42. Cognitive.Assessment.Id – internal PI identifier
  43. Cognitive.Assessment.Score
  44. Cognitive.Assessment.Attempted – if optional Cognitive details requested
  45. Cognitive.Assessment.Correct – if optional Cognitive details requested
  46. Cognitive.Assessment.PercentileRank – if optional Cognitive details requested
  47. Cognitive.Assessment.CompletedDateTime
  48. Cognitive.Assessment.SentDate
  49. Cognitive.Assessment.State
  50. Cognitive.Assessment.AdministeredBy
  51. Cognitive.Assessment.AdministeredByPersonId – internal PI identifier
  52. Cognitive.PendingAssessment.Id
  53. Cognitive.PendingAssessment.SentDate
  54. Cognitive.PendingAssessment.AdministeredBy
  55. Cognitive.PendingAssessment.AdministeredByPersonId – internal PI identifier
  56. ReferencePattern.ASigma
  57. ReferencePattern.BSigma
  58. ReferencePattern.CSigma
  59. ReferencePattern.DSigma
  60. Behavioral.Assessment.Score.Self.ASigma
  61. Behavioral.Assessment.Score.Self.BSigma
  62. Behavioral.Assessment.Score.Self.CSigma
  63. Behavioral.Assessment.Score.Self.DSigma
  64. Behavioral.Assessment.Score.Self.ESigma
  65. Behavioral.Assessment.Score.Self.MScore
  66. Behavioral.Assessment.Score.SelfConcept.ASigma – if optional BA details requested
  67. Behavioral.Assessment.Score.SelfConcept.BSigma – if optional BA details requested
  68. Behavioral.Assessment.Score.SelfConcept.CSigma – if optional BA details requested
  69. Behavioral.Assessment.Score.SelfConcept.DSigma – if optional BA details requested
  70. Behavioral.Assessment.Score.SelfConcept.MScore – if optional BA details requested
  71. Behavioral.Assessment.Score.Synthesis.ASigma – if optional BA details requested
  72. Behavioral.Assessment.Score.Synthesis.BSigma – if optional BA details requested
  73. Behavioral.Assessment.Score.Synthesis.CSigma – if optional BA details requested
  74. Behavioral.Assessment.Score.Synthesis.DSigma – if optional BA details requested
  75. Behavioral.Assessment.Score.Synthesis.ESigma – if optional BA details requested
  76. Behavioral.Assessment.Score.Synthesis.MScore – if optional BA details requested
  77. Behavioral.Assessment.ScoreAlt.Self.ASigma
  78. Behavioral.Assessment.ScoreAlt.Self.BSigma
  79. Behavioral.Assessment.ScoreAlt.Self.CSigma
  80. Behavioral.Assessment.ScoreAlt.Self.DSigma
  81. Behavioral.Assessment.ScoreAlt.Self.ESigma
  82. Behavioral.Assessment.ScoreAlt.Self.MScore
  83. Job.BehavioralTarget.ASigma
  84. Job.BehavioralTarget.BSigma
  85. Job.BehavioralTarget.CSigma
  86. Job.BehavioralTarget.DSigma
  87. Job.BehavioralTarget.ASigmaRangeLow
  88. Job.BehavioralTarget.ASigmaRangeHigh
  89. Job.BehavioralTarget.BSigmaRangeLow
  90. Job.BehavioralTarget.BSigmaRangeHigh
  91. Job.BehavioralTarget.CSigmaRangeLow
  92. Job.BehavioralTarget.CSigmaRangeHigh
  93. Job.BehavioralTarget.DSigmaRangeLow
  94. Job.BehavioralTarget.DSigmaRangeHigh